
Monday 8 July 2013

Fluffy bottoms

I made the decision to make my daughter a part-time cloth bum this week. There are many reasons why. I say part-time because she's at nursery four days a week and nappies are included. And I'm going to get into the swing of it before embarking on night time too... But I have just ordered some reusable wipes! 

We plan on having another baby at some point in the not too distant future. I'm hoping that putting E in cloth will aid the potty training experience, and I'm hoping E will be on her way to dry at night by then, but also hoping that it'll save me a fortune in disposables and make me think more carefully about how I use the washing machine.

We have done our first weekend. I need a wet bag for out and about, but its been absolutely fine, and the nappies have washed brilliantly. I took advantage of this weekend's great weather to line dry and E looked super cute tottering about in the garden modelling her new fluff!

On recommendation from a friend, I bought 10 Little Lamb pocket nappies from Fill Your Pants (based up the road in Oadby, Leicestershire - remember I love to support local business!) for £68. Northants CC will let me claim £25 back too! I selected some different colours and they arrived the next day, which I thought was truly excellent service, and actually I recall it being the same when I ordered E's swim nappy from them. The nappies have two bamboo liners each and I can feel them getting fluffier with each wash. I understand it can take up to 10 washes for maximum absorbency. There are so many poppers on the front of the nappy it's impossible for them not to fit your baby. Aaaaaaand most importantly, it's really not the big deal I thought it would be. It's not stressful, it's not smelly and it might just give the bank balance a little break. Happy times! 

My fluffy friends always talked about how addictive this was... I'm already planning my next purchase!

I take it all back and eat my cloth-nappy... Nappy.


  1. I so wish I had used re-usable nappies with my children!
    Popping over from the Parenting Pin It Party x

  2. i love the idea of these but really am pleased that they are working so well for you, i think i will really have to investigate these more, just in case there will be another Oliver at a later stage

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

  3. popped over from the parenting pin it party, I am on my 4th and final baby and have used cloth, absolutely love it now that we have found ones that work really well for us, including overnight so we are full time now, except for when the oh has her, he says he doesn't know how they work and refuses to learn so we have to keep some disposables on standby! Glad you are liking using cloth, wish I had started sooner with my other children too :)
