
Monday 6 January 2014

300 Picture Books

The lovely Jocelyn over at The Reading Residence introduced me to this little gem last week and I'm really enjoying taking part. Even my husband has started taking pictures of the books he's read with E to send to me... It really is a project that the whole family can be involved in. The idea is to see just how many books you can read with your kids this year... 300 sounds a lot but I think it might be easier to achieve that you think. Famous last words. I can't get the badge to work today, but you can find more about the challenge here.

So, our reads up to Sunday 5th January, 2014... We started off 2014 with Old MacDonald by David Ellwand and finished our week with a personalised book E received for her birthday... Effy and Daisy's Big Day Out at the Alphabet Zoo.

You can keep up to date on my dedicated Pinterest Board. We're up to 16 so far, but some favourites have included... 



  1. Pleased to have introduced you to it. We're having lots of fun with it, too, and Boo enjoys reminding me to pin what we read!

  2. Thank-you for linking up and joining in. What a great start to the year :-)
