
Sunday 16 February 2014

Local Gold Mine

Even though she hates having dirty hands, E is an outdoors kind of girl. She loves being outside and getting fresh air, and places that offer the opportunity to look at animals are a double whammy of joy. We have a great local farm park, but I've always felt it a little expensive for what it was, and have been keeping my eye out for alternatives.

I was over collecting some baby clothes from my friend's parents the other day and we were chatting about Colchester Zoo, as said friends have been posted to Colchester. In the midst of conversation it became clear I had not researched my zoos properly, and it transpires that Hamerton Zoo is only 25 minutes drive from us.

So when the Met Office promised sunshine today, you can guess exactly where we headed. What a great day, despite the chill and it being the muddiest E had ever encountered. And their annual pass is £28.50 so I'm signed up for a year of zoo visits! Truly a local gold mine!

Not only was E stoked about looking at animals, it proved a great opportunity for discussion and vocabulary building... New animal names and some great sentences including...

"Monkey go outside"
"Noisy monkeeeey!"
"Monkey eat an apple"
"Baby in the tummy" (referring to the wallabies and me)

Educational and fun. My kind of day out.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Aww fantastic photos, you chose a much better day to go than we did! The animals weren't all in hiding! :) We have the annual pass too so may run into you there! :) Xx

    1. Less windy I suspect! Let me have a baby and I'll see you there!!!! Xx

  2. Looks brilliant and what a fab price for an annual pass?!

  3. Lovely pictures - sounds like a fab day out!

  4. What lovely photos of a great day out and a bargain to be able to return for a year at such a reasonable price. Thanks for linking up and sharing your animal adventures with Country Kids.

  5. That is cheap and it's good it is so close. Beautiful pictures.

  6. Sounds like a great day out and some lovely photos!

  7. What super news, I would love to take Joshua to a Zoo .. I must say i am jealous!! :-)

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

  8. I love the zoo too, sounds and looks like you had a great time #magicmoments

  9. Sounds like you had a brilliant day - your photos are fantastic!

    Thanks for linking up with the Parenting Pin It Party this week.

  10. Superb! Glad you have found a good place to go to.

  11. Fantastic and really is wonderful she was so inspired! The first time I took my eldest to a Zoo it was a complete let down, he was disinterested in animals and spent whole time crying to go to the 'play park' with swings - could've saved a fortune and gone to the local one! xx

  12. Looks wonderful. I love the picture of the camel! I can't wait for this summer when we'll be able to go places where Ivy can truly interact.
