
Thursday 3 April 2014

One month

I'm pretty sure if I rewound that last blink I'd be back in hospital, taking in my first few moments with my brand new baby. I knew it would be like this. I knew it would go too fast, but I do feel like I've done a pretty good job of taking in as much is as possible this time. Today I put some washing on, I've not hung it up, and the nappies are assembled but still in the sitting room. Do I care? Not so much, I've been hanging out with Lowen, squishing her, smelling her, taking photographs of her. I can hang the washing up when she is in bed. 

Next week I'll take her to be weighed but I'm sure she'll be well into the 10lb bracket. The tiny clothes we had to buy her because Effy's stuff was all to big are feeling snug and the legs are too short on some sleepsuits. All of a sudden. She is still quite scrunchy, but enjoys stretching out too. 

She is starting to gurgle and has been smiling for a few days now. She loves being in the sling and doesn't enjoy the pram so much. She sleeps well at night... Last night she treated us to eight and a half hours!

So, a mum of two. Fully fledged. What have I learned?
  • Well, newborns are more flexible than I remember. You can get them out of bed, chuck them in the sling and go and they'll probably go back to sleep.
  • Toddlers are really more independent than I realised... Effy does so much for herself, more than I'd ever given her credit for... Lowen can't even get her own arm through her sleeve!
  • You HAVE to sit back and enjoy being pregnant. My first pregnancy was godawful from start to finish and my second was hideous at times but I definitely had the 2nd trimester energy, yet I was too busy being a mum to take much in. I miss my bump. I miss having my little yellow fidget all to myself. I might not ever do the pregnant thing and already I can't remember it. It makes me a bit sad.
  • Get organised. The night before when everyone else is sleeping if you need to be out early. Have EVERYTHING to hand. Remember to empty the potty as soon as it's been pee'd in.
  • Finally, really do savour everything. Count the little hairs on their ears. Hold their tiny fingers. Take photographs, smell them. Log it. It's only two years since I had a 5 day old Effy, yet too much has slipped away from my memory...
Despite the chaos, the piles of laundry and the puddle of wee on the sitting room floor, it feels like there wasn't ever life without Lowen. She's just fitted right in and I wouldn't want it any other way.

One month... They'll get better and better.

Don't forget you can follow me on Facebook and on Twitter - hope to see you there!

Post Comment Love


  1. Her smile while shes asleep is so calming. #pocolo

  2. Such a special time isn't it? What a lovely post. Thanks for linking up to this weeks Parenting Pin it Party

  3. She is SO gorgeous :) I am hoping that soon I can share all these feelings with you! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
