
Thursday 28 November 2013

The Bucket List - Midterm review

You'll remember back in September I wrote a bucket list of things I wanted to do with E before this baby arrived.

Well, time is flying away quickly so I thought it was time to go back to my list and see how I was getting on.

Initial results seem promising...

Rinse our Sea Life annual pass while I can still walk and before it expires shortly after baby arrives.
I haven't done this and I really must because I know E will love it. Must. Go. Soon.
Go on a Train Journey
First real train ride was actually the tube, but she loved it, even if she did fall over a lot!
Go to Winter Wonderland this Christmas.
We went. She slept through it. It really wasn't all I had hoped it would be. Everything was expensive. Trip to Hamleys was better.
Get a new battery for my camera remote and ensure that we get a lush photo of the two of us.
Sign up for some Tumble Tots sessions.
This wasn't possible. Our local group has closed down and other groups run on days I can't do or are too far away! Maybe when I'm on maternity leave while the baby sleeps...
Join the Library
Done. We've been a few times. And had to buy a replacement book but we've found some new firm favourites! Buy face paints and go mad.
Go puddle splashing (must buy myself new wellies for this!)
Have a proper PJ/duvet day - no boys allowed.
Bake together.
Christmas cake. Tick!Master the scooter.
Something to do this weekend I think.Go to the beach. Preferably Southwold.
Build a snowman (snow pending)
Get out and enjoy as much outside time as the weather and my hips allow.
Absolutely doing this! Hips are starting to get sore but they wont stop me yet.

I don't think we're doing too badly. 14 weeks to go! 


  1. You're doing brilliantly well, and you've still lots of time to get the rest ticked off :)

  2. This is a brilliant list. Shame about the winter land show but the tube ride sounds fun. I need to take z on the train :)

    1. I wish the normal train were cheaper... I'd do more train trips then!

  3. Your not doing so bad at all!! your ploughing through them! I think your doing a super job there :-)

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

  4. It's great to have a list to work through that way you can see how much you've accomplished and still have ideas of things to do #MM

    1. You're right, if don't think I'd be able to tick so much off!

  5. Sounds like you're doing well.Love Southwold beach too...would be lovely at this time of year!

  6. Fab list! We're wishing for snow here too! ^_^ #Magicmoments

  7. Great list! You're doing so well x

  8. Great idea, wish I had seen your earlier post sooner, as our baby is due in six weeks and I could have used some inspiration for doing special things with Emma. Linking in from Magic Moments.
