
Friday 6 December 2013

Lovin' the Weekend Blog Hops - Guest Host!

Welcome to Lovin' The Weekend Blog Hops with your co-hosts:
Karen from Tots and Me, Rena from An Ordinary Housewife and Angie from Snack Cups and Smiles.

Thank you to every one who has stopped by, whether this is your first visit or you have been a faithful ongoing participant! 

We would love for you to stop by each of the co-hosts and follow us, then feel free to add your links to any or all of the following linkies.

 We also randomly choose a Featured host each week from the Lovin' The Readers linky. This week we are featuring Thursday's Child, Friday's Thoughts.

Thursday's Child, Friday's Thoughts

Here's what she has to say:

"I'm H, married to D and we have a 20 month old daughter, E. We're expecting our second baby in March next year.

I've been blogging since April this year. I blog for two reasons; firstly, it's therapeutic and cathartic. I often manage to solve my own problems by the end of a post, despite hours of thinking it through in my head! Secondly it provides me with an opportunity to develop and showcase my photography, which is my second love. My blog is a record of my family growing and changing and all the ups and downs in between!

By day I teach Music in a secondary school. When I'm not surrounded by the noise of my students and 30 instruments, I'm busy being a mum, a wife, a photographer and a crafter. I love handmade, homegrown and locally sourced and have learned to crochet this year.... Needless to say that is occupying a lot of time in the run up to Christmas! 

I'd love it if you popped over to say hello, and if you like what you read you can follow me on Bloglovin' or tweet me @oneformybaby12.."

Don't forget to link up to the Lovin' the Readers Hop if you would like a chance to be a Featured host next week. Please comment with a way to contact you, especially if there is not an obvious way mentioned on your blog. We would love to include a little write up about you and your blog in the next week's Lovin' The Weekend Blog Hop post, including a link to your blog. And you will get to include the linky codes on your blog. Sound fun? We're looking forward to getting to know our readers better.

Here's how this blog hop works. We would appreciate it if you would follow Tots and Me, An Ordinary Housewife and Snack Cups and Smiles. And please don't forget to visit our Featured Host.  If you no longer have GFC please follow in some other way. After that there are three different linkies you can link to. Whichever one you choose to link to, please grab that button and share it on your blog (the codes are on Tot's and Me's sidebar). We'd love it if you could tweet or in some other way share about this blog hop, the more people who know about it, the more potential visitors and new followers of your blog. We'd love to meet some new friends this weekend.  

Some people are more interested in just increasing their numbers, while others really want people who appreciate their blog and want to keep up with their posts. So, there are two separate blog hop linkies. 

The third linky is for you to link up your giveaways.

If you are interested in increasing the number of followers to your blog via GFC, Linky Followers, email, Twitter, Facebook or Google+ link up here. We will follow you back if you follow us (just note which one you are linking to):

Tots and Me

If you are interested in gaining followers to your blog who will read and comment and truly find an interest in your blog, link up here:

Tots and Me

If you have family friendly giveaways to link up, here's your spot. Please make sure to include an end date for your giveaway.

Tots and Me

We are so glad you stopped by. Please leave a comment if you link up and we will be sure to stop by and follow back.

Don't forget to check out my "Blog Hops" page for other great blog hops!!


  1. Thank you for hosting such a great blog hop, I have found quite a few blogs that I am now following.

    1. Pleasure, glad you found some new reading!
