
Friday 14 March 2014

Family Photo Friday #11 - 14/03/2014

2014 is zipping away, isn't it? How are we in the 11th week, half way through March?

Well, I'm back on my feet after my absence last week - I was (still am) in a baby bubble and am hugely grateful to Char for looking after Family Photo Friday last week. Things are settling down here, although I'm not sure you'd agree if you saw the state of the house right now! 

Now, the one thing I've not managed to do is get a photo of all of us yet, or at least not since we were in hospital and that's made its way on here already, so this weekend I'll make sure that happens. But here's a picture from bedtime last night, I don't think I need to write about just how much joy there is in our household right now! 

My favourite photo from last week came from Becoming a Stay at Home Mum - I've seen lots of pictures of Monkey with various family members, but it's SO lovely to see them all together! I also enjoyed her blog revamp... Good work, Caroline! 

Let's recap the rules!

  • Share a family photo from your week just gone. It needn't be a Family Photo Friday specific post, I don't mind you recycling! You can join in weekly, monthly or just whenever you can. It can be a formal portrait or a snap from your phone, something you posed for or something you caught when no one was looking. It could be from a day out, a gathering, an activity at home, it doesn't matter so long as it gives a snap shot of what your family looked like during the week that's just been.
  • Give us a brief explanation of your photo. 
  • I'd love it if you could grab the badge to add at the bottom of your post and Tweet about it using #familyphotofriday - my Twitter handle is @oneformybaby12.
  • Pop over to visit at least two other bloggers and see what they've been doing - maybe you can watch their family grow and change too!
  • Leave a comment if you can.

  • I promise to visit as many of you as I can and I'll pick my favourite photo to share next Friday.

    Happy photo-taking and memory-making!

    Family Photo Friday @ Thursday's Child, Friday's Thoughts


    1. Aww lovely photo of your gorgeous girls :) Thanks so much for the mention lovely! xx

    2. Aw, thats a gorgeous photo x
