
Saturday 1 March 2014

We've been reading...

My Pinterest board is not up to date... I will have to raid my husband's phone for photographs of what he has read with E recently, but at the end of February my Pinterest board said I had 94 books pinned - so we're 1/3 of the way through our challenge with 10 months to go!

Things slowed down after the initial surge, but I anticipate that now I am home and on maternity leave, we may speed up again a little.

I am loving this challenge. It reminds me about the book box which sometimes is neglected for painting, or a DVD. It makes me value those bedtime stories more. It makes me realise how much time we spend together when I'm feeling like I've spent more time doing housework than being a parent. It's probably helping my tired brain tick over too. 

Current favourites here at Thursday's Child HQ include The Gruffalo, anything from the Thomas the Tank Engine collection ("Choo choo book) and Each Peach Pear Plum.

You can check out my Pinterest Board here!


  1. Love that photo! You can't go wrong with The Gruffalo, and I do love Each Peach :)

  2. What a lovely comment on #300PBs, thank-you :-) I find it keeps me encouraging variety in books read, and making sure we don't neglect some of the lovely books we have. Thank-you for linking up!
