
Friday 28 March 2014

Word of the Week

Something will happen at midnight tonight. I'm not ready for it. I am trying to pretend it's not happening.

Tomorrow I wake up a mother of a two year old. I'm not ok about this. I'm suddenly acutely aware of just how fast they grow up. I'll blink and she'll be a teenager.

I know she'll only continue to get better as a two year old. I know this. But I can't get my head around it. 

So this week's word of the week is...


  1. Bless you. One of the things having children has taught me is to enjoy each moment as much as possible. I see pictures of my daughter (7) when she was the sane age as my son is now (3) and I can't believe how she's changing. But each stage is lovely and something to treasure xx

  2. Oh yes, so true! But you get to go through it all again of course! I walked past MotherCare today and I felt a little weird to think that I will never have a reason to go in and browse all the little baby clothes again :-( But I'm enjoying my boys as they grow! #WotW

  3. Awww so true tho. My son is going to be four in months and wasnt it just yerterday that I gave birth to a tiny baby =)


  4. I have a new 3 yr old and its scary how quick time goes! My eldest is 10 and I remember bringing him home #WotW

  5. Oh, my wee girl turned two last weekend, I completely understand how you feel x #WotW

  6. They grow up so fast! I hope she had a fab birthday x

  7. Oh dear, it is scary how quickly they grow. I think denial is totally appropriate! My daughter will be going to school in September - I'm in complete denial about that one! Hope she had a fab birthday x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  8. Enjoy each stage as much as you can, my eldest will be 20 this year and my 40 year old brain is soooo not ready to say that out loud! #WotW
