
Friday 9 May 2014

Word of the Week

As I write I'm taking a tea break at 2:30am trying finish my coursework sample. It has to be posted tomorrow.

Coursework was last week's word, so this week's word is a completely uninspired urg.


  1. This made me laugh, though that doesn't mean I'm unsympathetic - just love the word. Perfect summation of the week. Hope you've managed to sort it all and you can get back to your maternity leave properly again soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. OOOhhhhhh chocholates! Hopefully next week's word is done and now vacationing in a sunny beach! #wotw

  3. I love this because of its simplicity. Nothing else needs to be said! I really hope your week gets better & you get to bed a bit earlier than 2am!! #WotW
