Friday, 11 April 2014

Word of the Week

D is home for the Easter holiday having only taken a week off when Lowen was born. The house is in chaos, as I've not been able to run errands, lift stuff or find the time to get things sorted. So at the start of the week we made a huge list of the things that needed to be done so we could work through... It's going well and the house is starting to look more normal... Although sometimes you have to go backwards before going forwards, like getting all of Effy's clothes out of the loft on Wednesday night to find the 0-3 month vests which is helpfully bagged up in their own in a small bag. 

We'll be making more lists as we're going away next week and the only way to survive a holiday with a new born it to make a huge list of everything you need.

Lists, lists and lists of lists.


  1. I love a to do list! Good luck with getting through everything! #WotW

    1. We're getting there! You cannot beat a list.

  2. It is helpful. A great reminded of things to do when everything is so chaotic =) #wotw

    1. And you feel like you've achieved something when you look back at it, right?

  3. So nice to start getting your house organised again! There are a million and one little things that need doing round here - better make a list! #WotW

    1. Yes, just the 2nd birthday cards to come down today and then we're almost back to normal. Enjoy your list :)

  4. Ooh lists, we love lists in our house - the only way to keep on top of things! Hope you have a lovely break next week! xx #wotw

  5. Oh yes, I soon learnt that the best way to holiday was with a list! I still use one now that they're 8 and 6, but there's a bit less 'nappies' and bit more 'ipod' on it ;) nice to have found you from #pocolo x

    1. I find it's most useful for repacking at the end! Thanks for stopping by x

  6. I live by lists-can't manage without them! I hope you enjoy your holiday :)

  7. I am the Queen of the list! You can't beat a bit of organisation! ;) Enjoy your little break! Xx #wotw

  8. I love making lists.....They really help x

  9. I love making lists! I'm surprised I haven't made lists for my lists :) #WotW

    1. At work I definitely have lists of lists....! Xx

  10. Ah, the wonderful power of a list! I do like a list. Hope you're getting there and that you have a fab holiday x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  11. A girl after my own heart! I have lists of lists I can't believe I put that out into cyberspace!


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