Friday, 18 July 2014

Word of the Week

A whole range of emotions this week...

The end of maternity leave. Going back to work. New chapters in our lives. Exciting opportunities. Settling in at nursery. Reflecting on what has been. 

There's ouly one word for it!


  1. Oh wow, that does sound a lot to be taking on! One day at a time x #wotw

  2. very emotional, good luck with everything new x wotw

  3. Very emotional. I hope it all goes well on the return to work - have you got a day or two next week, or will it be September? Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  4. Oh my....It sounds like you have a lot going on! Very exciting times :)

  5. Best of luck with all of the changes!!

  6. What a lot. No wonder you're emotional. Hope everything goes well. Emma @purplemulberrys #wotw

  7. It is an emotional time and one I remember well, hope it goes well and if anything you'll get those brain cells firing again..until you start singing the Doc Mcstuffins theme in your head whilst on a call ;) #WotW

  8. Best wishes for all the new and exciting things to come :) #WotW

  9. I feel for you. I hope that things will get better. Everyone will adjust fast. Its hard but its reality. *hugs* #wotw

  10. I can't imagine going back to work so early. It must be super hard. Big hugs xx


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